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Category: Past Wins

The Queen v. S.(T.) 2018

  A police officer observed a car take a number of seconds to begin moving forward after a stop light turned green.  He followed the vehicle for a short distance and decided to pull it over to check the driver's sobriety.  The vehicle failed to pull over for...

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The Queen v. S.(D.) 2018

  A woman went to the police and told them that her boyfriend of 18 years had routinely forced her to have sex with him against her will.  Predictably, the client was indicted for sexual assault.  After electing trial by judge and jury and requesting a...

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The Queen v. M.(A.) 2018

  The police pulled a vehicle over as it left a local bar.  After the vehicle stopped the driver, the driver looked back at the police officer and then sped away from the traffic stop.  The police followed the vehicle at high speed.  On a long turn the vehicle...

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The Queen v. F.(H.) 2018

  A concerned citizen called the police after she witnesses a small car go off the road and crash on Silver Star Mountain Road.  She also observed four teenagers or young adults gathering things from the crashed vehicle including alcoholic beverages and jump in...

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The Queen v. R.(D.) 2018

  The police attended the client’s home near Nakusp, BC to check on the well being of a woman that the police had received concerning phone calls about.  While standing at the front door to the residence, the police officer was able to speak with the woman and...

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The Queen v. C.(H.) 2018 #1

  Client faced very serious charges of possession of cocaine and fentanyl for the purposes of trafficking.  The police received a complaint of an assault with a weapon that specifically alleged that at a public parking lot two men had bear maced another man and...

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The Queen v. M.(B.) 2018

  The client was charged with assault causing bodily harm after he was involved in a physical altercation with another man at a local poker game.  The alleged "victim's" teeth had been knocked out during the altercation while the client was left virtually...

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The Queen v. T.(G.) 2018

  The client was arrested after she was called in by a concerned citizen after the citizen observed the client drive her car up on a parking lot curb and high centre her vehicle, and then try over and over again to move the vehicle without any success.  When the...

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The Queen v. C. (J.) 2018

  The client was observed accelerating in an aggressive fashion while he left a store parking lot. He was pulled over by police and after a brief investigation, the officer demanded a roadside sample. After blowing a "fail" the client was arrested and ended up...

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The Queen v. W. (C.) 2018 (Provincial Court of Alberta)

  Client was the passenger in a car that was pulled over for speeding. After smelling marihuana the officer called for back up. The client and the driver were arrested and two firearms were found, a sawn off shotgun and a loaded pistol. The client was charged...

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The Queen v. D. (B.) 2018

The police were dispatched to a single-vehicle accident on a ski resort mountain road.  The police found the client walking on the road near the crashed truck with a sleeping bag slung over his shoulder.  He admitted to being the driver of the vehicle and one thing...

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Superintendent v. S.(D.) 2018

Client was given two 90 day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions in a little over a year. She retained Mr. van der Walle to write the argument on both reviews. On both occasions Mr. van der Walle was successful and the driving prohibition was revoked with all towing and...

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