Senate Meets To Address Marijuana Legalization Concerns

According to Honourable Senator Carignan, P.C “the legalization of marijuana is the biggest public policy issue,” Canada will face and believes that it will encourage significant repercussions for Canada.
On January 31, 2017, Honourable Senator Carignan, P.C and the Senate met to discuss issues concerning the legalization of marijuana. Back in October 2016, Honourable Senator Carignan, P.C. devised a set of questions that were to be addressed which include the following: what is the estimated cost of implementing marijuana medicinally, how much marijuana impaired driving does the government foresee for the first 3 years, who will be involved with the distribution or who will request distribution of marijuana, and what type of research has the government successfully completed?
The Senate is currently composed of 105 seats, 40 are assigned to the Conservative Senators, 35 are Independent Senator Party, 19 are Independent Liberals, 7 seats are non-affiliated. The remaining 4 seats are vacant.
Most of these questions will be hard to answer prematurely. With the Conservative Party dominating the seats, securing the legalization will require both the House and the Senate to approve before it becomes law.
The results will be revealed in the Spring as Liberals have intended after being carefully assessed through a six step process. When the legalization has reached Royal Assent it will become officially law.
Photo by mark.watmough
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